Alireza Shiasi

BI Aficionado | Driving Organizational Excellence through Customer Relationships and Data-Driven Decision Making

About me

I’m an engineer with a great passion for finding smarter ways to tackle tasks. You might think of me as a “lazy” individual, but I prefer to see myself as someone who constantly seeks efficiency in everything I do.
While I may come across as a silent introvert, don’t be fooled! I’m always bursting with new ideas and insights that I can’t wait to share.
My expertise lies in digital marketing, customer relationship management, and data analysis. Thanks to my deep understanding of computer operations, I am able to leverage technology to optimize processes and achieve exceptional results.

If you’re looking for someone who can bring a unique perspective and drive innovation in your team, I would love to connect and explore potential collaborations. Let’s revolutionize the way we work together! 🚀


Date of birth

December 26, 1989


Tehran, Iran.



+98 936 333 0232


Available for freelance work


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Copyright 2024 Dadehtajhiz Apadana.
All rights reserved.

Contact us on Tel:\> +98-936-333-0232

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